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Recent Program Stories

SME PRIME Supports Immigrant-Focused Engineering School

Asaad and Neran Kalasho, a married couple who emigrated from Iraq to the Detroit area in the 1970s, envisioned establishing an engineering-focused educational opportunity for students arriving from war-torn regions

Classmates Achieve College Dreams With Matching SME Education Foundation Scholarships

Jasmine Brown and Samantha Hiller, 18-year-olds from Lake Wales, Florida, are studying machining and engineering at Polk State College in Winter Haven with the help of the SME Education Foundation's Dr. Irving P. McPhail Endowed Scholarship, which they were awarded for the 2024-25 school year. In addition to receiving scholarships, both students took advantage of the SME Bright Minds Mentorship Program, which pairs SME Education Foundation Scholarship winners up with SME mentors.

Read Annual Report

2023 was a record year for the SME Education Foundation as Bright Minds Student Summits, SME PRIME, and the Scholarship program delivered impressive results.

SMEEF Q1 2024 Report