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Four-year Degrees Not Required for Manufacturing Success

A decades-long national bias against vocational careers continues to inform high school graduates that four-year college degrees are the only option for achieving success. Government data tells us otherwise. There are millions jobs in the United States that pay an average of $55,000 per year and don’t require a bachelor’s degree.

How to Inspire Young Women on Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day

What does it mean to be an educator or role model? Someone who is looked up to by others, seen as a good example, or inspires positive change. A great time to introduce a mentee to a new career option would be during Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day on February 22nd.

Skills, Career Opportunity and Our Challenge: Let’s Close the Manufacturing Perception Gap

Industry knows that the current — and looming larger, the future — lack of skilled and prepared employees is severe. This skills gap could lead to a shortage of as many as 2.4 million manufacturing workers in the next decade. Our challenge remains the same, and our education and industry partners share that challenge: How can we attract, interest — and then inspire young people to explore the opportunities being offered?

Manufacturing Day: Why it's important

Manufacturers, communities, educators, students and parents can all benefit from participating in Manufacturing Day: Last year, more than 80% of students said they became more convinced that manufacturing provides interesting and rewarding careers after attending these events.