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SME PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) directly enhances the manufacturing and engineering talent pipeline by partnering with industry to build cost-effective and tailored manufacturing and engineering programs in high schools across the country. PRIME schools reach over 60 communities across 22 states where each high school is supported and informed by local manufacturers.
High school students at SME PRIME schools across the country receive hands-on training on modern equipment, and learn about technology and processes through industry-informed curriculum that is tailored to meet the. Read our PRIME Success Stories to learn more about the unique experiences and opportunities available at schools in our network.
All PRIME Highlights All PRIME Success Stories Learn how SME PRIME directly addresses manufacturing and engineering talent shortages by working with industry to develop tailored curriculum,
Hollenstein Career and Technology Center prepares high school students for careers in manufacturing by training students in mechatronics, CNC, 3D printing and robotics. The school has gained notoriety for its prowess in SkillsUSA competitions and its recognition as the only SME PRIME school in Texas.
Roush Industries is making a difference by investing in the SME PRIME schools initiative to prepare Starkweather Academy students for opportunities as machinists, welders and fabricators. The company helps to inform and provide modern equipment, tailored curriculum and hands-on training for the school in Plymouth, Michigan.
Whitehall High School students explore manufacturing while learning about the engineering process as they train on Dremel 3D40 3D printers and tour local manufacturing companies during class field trips.
Plymouth, Michigan based Master Automatic helped create the SME PRIME school program at Plymouth-Canton Community Schools. The partnership expands their talent pipeline – and will create opportunities for area young people to explore and grow in manufacturing.
The pre-engineering students at Grand Haven High School get a wealth of experience from the SME PRIME program through technical training and tailored curriculum informed by local manufacturing partner Shape Corp.
Grand Haven High School’s manufacturing education program includes multiple career pathways, each made possible through input, engagement and investment from local manufacturing partner, Shape Corp.